Monday, April 26, 2010

Bye Bye Binkies

The kids both gave up their binkies last week.

It was a big milestone for them. All along, I have planned to have them give them up together. They both had them only to sleep.

There were a lot of tears the first day, but both are adjusting fine. I feel free, not having to drag them with us and worry about losing one somewhere.

They do both seem bigger. There is less baby in them every single day.

In some ways, it makes me sad. But in others, I am excited. It feels like a relief, to be past not only binkies but nursing, bouncey seats, diaper bags, baby gates, bibs, baby food, and not too far in the future: diapers.

Just looking forward.


  1. Awesome Molly. I love this shot and I'm so glad to hear that they're adjusting great.

  2. i love that they did it together!!!
    i knOw what you mean about having big kids...
    i feel the same...i miss my babes, but LOVE having big kids! xxx k
